A Splash of Red
Getting married is the perfect chance to re-discover your enjoyment of style, clothes and shopping, and the time to celebrate who you are as a woman. You want to look your best on your wedding day. It’s easy to let the stress of it all catch up and take over, but if you want to feel fabulous and look like the goddess you really are then here’s a handy guide just for you.
Strut Your Stuff
Get professional and friendly advice on which styles suit you best and make sure you are confident that your wedding dress is for you. Dress for your shape and you’ll make sure you have something that flatters you perfectly.
Get Moving
Aim to do 30 minutes of exercise every day. Have fun getting fit with friends and you’ll soon have bags more energy to deal with the impending day. Confetti brides swear by a regular exercise regime to get fit.
Try Something New
Break out of your comfort zone and try something you never have before. This will reduce your fears so you can live a life with fewer barriers and limitations.
Eat Well
Don’t be tempted to crash diet. Unrealistic and restrictive goals will only end in disappointment when they are too difficult to adhere to, and you may also starve yourself of vital nutrients and calories. You’re bound to burn more than usual with all the preparation and excitement. So eat sensibly and keep healthy in the run up to your wedding. It’s so important to eat healthy so you feel fit and great all the time. Plus, tortuous diets can make it even harder for you to lose weight.
Good Diet at a Glance
- Even though you are busy planning your wedding and feel like you’re always rushed, get your day off to a good start by making time for a low fat breakfast.
- Plan ahead and keep some sensible snacks on hand such as fruit, yogurt or a cereal bar so you don’t find yourself with a rumbling tummy and reaching for the nearest high-calorie snack that always seems to find you.
- Remember your 5-a-day! Whilst this might need a bit more preparation, don’t forget that fruit and vegetables are important for vitamins, minerals and fibre. Easy ways to get your 5-a-day might be to add fruit to your cereal, prepare more than one night’s vegetables at a time and have fruit on your desk at work.
- At a time when you’re rushing around, iron in your diet is important. Choose lean meat and fish to help get this important mineral.
- Water, water, water – keep sipping all day and get your system flowing! It can be easy to forget to drink during the day but women should be striving for 2 litres per day. Keep score – how much do you have?
You can forgive yourself a few girls’ nights out, and if you are celebrating remember to choose diet mixers for a lower calorie option and alternate your drinks with non-alcoholic ones. But the easiest way to feel fab is to stop drinking alcohol. It may be hard to resist on the night, but you’ll thank yourself for it in the morning.
See more of Confetti’s health & beauty articles here!