Diary of a Bridal Beauty Guinea Pig – Part 2 – The Microdermabrasion Facial
It’s promoted as Madonna’s favourite facial and claims to treat dull, tired and ageing skin, sun damage, stretch marks, acne scars (I could do with this), fine lines, wrinkles and acne. It’s non-invasive, painless and safe. So why am I still scared?
Image courtesy of Spabreak Direct
I’m a bit of an exfoliation sceptic, I don’t use exfoliating creams at home at all so I’m really not sure what to expect if I am honest. I’m worried that my skin is too sensitive to undergo anything with the term abrasion in it and I’m expecting to leave without my top layer of skin.
I walk into Caroline’s salon and the low lighting makes me feel at ease. Caroline gives me a leaflet which explains how the facial works and shows me the wand she’ll be using. I see the words: ‘No anaesthetic required’ and panic. She calmly explains that it’s a very gentle process which will leave my skin softer, clearer and more rejuvenated than ever before. I have to admit I don’t believe her but I am about to try it so I read the leaflet further. It claims: ‘Ultra fine crystals strike the skin to remove its outer layer. At the same time a vacuum sweeps up the crystals and cellular debris.’ Caroline reassures me that it’s like a non-surgical facelift and won’t hurt or leave me with a red face. She switches on her magic machine to let me hear it and explains how she’s going to just gently sweep her magic wand over my face. I just have to lie there, which sounds easy enough – I can do that!
I lie down on the white leather salon bed and close my eyes. Caroline begins by gently removing my make up before cleansing my face. After a hectic day I am instantly relaxed. The magic wand doesn’t hurt at all and it sweeps over my face easily and fairly swiftly, making tiny sucking noises which is the vacuum taking away my dead skin cells.
Caroline switches off the machine and wipes away any remaining crystals and after just 30mins it’s all finished. Caroline gives me a mirror to show me the results which are fairly instant. My skin is not pink but does have a healthy glow. She advises me to wear an SPF tomorrow and to cleanse and moisturise as usual before bed and promises that in the morning my skin will look and feel as soft and lovely as when I was a child. Again I don’t believe her. The next morning, however, she is proved right. My skin looks and feels amazingly soft and clear. I even think my slight forehead wrinkles have disappeared. I am hooked and want this treatment regularly from now on, whatever the cost!
The Verdict: Excellent results that exceeded my expectations with no pain. Cheaper and easier than a face lift!
The Microdermabrasion facial costs £25 for half an hour and £45 for 50 minutes at Aloe Body in Bristol. Prices vary across salons and areas.
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