Reiki for beauty, health and happiness
Couples can book Reiki treatments as part of their pre‐wedding fitness regime to harness its benefits and look radiant in those wedding photos. After the big day they can follow its principles for long lasting benefits throughout their wedded life…
It is believed that the ancient art of reiki has its origins in Buddhism and was practiced in several areas in the Eastern World, including India, China and Japan. It was re‐discovered in the late 19th century by Dr Mikao Usui, a Japanese scholar, who found that using the technique he was able to cure a variety of ailments by imparting the power of healing through his hands.
‘Rei’ means universal life energy and ‘Ki’ our internal life force. It is the combining of cosmic energy with our own that facilitates physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well‐being. The healing energy is channelled through a Reiki master by the laying of hands onto or close to the client’s body, which can produce warmth or tingling in the region being worked on. Reiki is a gentle yet powerful, non‐invasive therapy that increases the body’s ability to heal itself, bringing a balance and harmony on all levels of being.
The treatments are much like going for any type of spa therapy; the practitioner introduces positive energy to the body whilst you can drift calmly away to gentle soothing music and the aromatic smell of incense. No clothes are removed during the therapy and it is recommended that you wear loose, comfortable clothing that will further enable you to relax.
Look beautiful
As the Reiki practitioner moves their hands gently over you, the body relaxes and starts to de‐stress. This will accelerate the loss of toxins, resulting in sparklingly clear eyes, shiny lustrous hair, and flawless skin. By re‐setting the body, mind and spiritual balance, it allows the inner beauty to glow, giving you a wonderful radiance.
For couples
The practice of Reiki can enhance the bond of a relationship. On the physical level, a couple practicing Reiki can enjoy intimate energy exchanges and create a connectedness not experienced by other couples. However, it is worth remembering that Reiki is ultimately concerned with working for towards the highest good for all.
Continued harmony
You and your partner will reap the benefits of a harmonious and stress‐free wedded life by meditating daily on the main Reiki principles:
Just for today give thanks for all blessings
Just for today do not worry
Just for today let go of anger
Just for today work honestly
Just for today love all living things