Your Wedding Day Skin Prep Countdown with Louise Thomas-Minns
Panasonic have teamed up with Louise Thomas-Minns, a celebrity skin health therapist who uses an exclusive 3D philosophy to incorporate a scientific, nutritional and holistic approach in her signature facials, to explain how to prep your skin for your wedding.
Louise has been in the beauty industry for 24 years and counts having acne as one of the reasons she is now a well sought-after skin health expert. A teacher, NVQ assessor, entrepreneur, mother and soon-to-be skin care developer, as she has formulated her own skincare range after 15 years of research. Louise is passionate about all things skin health and beauty.
Here she shares her top tips for preparing your skin on your big day…
Six Months to Go
If possible, start adopting a new regime six months prior to your wedding day. Don’t leave trying out new products to the last minute. This will allow time for your skin to go through any changes, good or bad.
Add in a weekly mask to your routine.
Now is the time to adopt some new rituals around skin health- one of which can be to give yourself an at home facial. Start to integrate some gentle steaming into your cleansing routine, twice a week if possible. I love the Panasonic facial steamer which floods the skin with Nano particles of steam to gently open the pores, add moisture and increase the circulation all leading to a brighter, clearer fresher complexion.
Four Months to Go
With four months to go you should have made any changes or additions to your new skin care routine, allowing for products to take full effect.
Step up your weekly at home facials by adding in some facial massage. The Panasonic 3 in 1 Enhancer is something that I suggest my clients use between their facials with me. You can use it to deeply cleanse open pores, add moisture to the deeper skin layers and even tighten the skin all in just seven minutes!
Two Months to Go
Two months to go! Build in some gentle exfoliation to your ritual. You could opt for an enzymatic peel or go for a Cleansing Brush like the Panasonic XC10. You can use the warming plate that’s at one end as a pre cleanse over a balm, or oil cleanse to soften the skin and open the pores, then switch to the cleansing brush end to use with a foaming wash to exfoliate at the same time. Do this stage in front of the Panasonic Steamer.
Two Weeks to Go
With two weeks to go make this your last facial at home. In the week before do a five minute daily facial massage before bed and increase your good fluids to keep any puffiness from the skin at bay. Water, green tea, fresh juices or smoothies should make up your daily quota.
The Day Before
Don’t forget to breathe! Take time to be present leading up to the day by practicing mindfulness.
Find out more about Panasonic’s skin care essentials here.