How to Stick to Your New Year’s Resolutions – Adjust Your Lifestyle
This is probably the hardest thing to change, so you’ll need to do this in small stages, as you need to be committed to maintaining this for a lifetime.
You will be working to maintain your fitness and weight, so before you start the same old diet and/or fitness programs, ask yourself one question: can I sustain this new fitness and diet program every day?
How to change your lifestyle:
- Figure out your bad habits. Keep a food diary or maybe video yourself when you eat? (sometimes you can forget what your actually putting into your mouth). Don’t worry if it’s bad at first, it will get better.
- Replace those bad habits, one at a time, with different good habits. You can’t replace bad habits without forming new ones. e.g. the chocolate bar? Replace it with an apple for example, but always think of the benefits the replacement is giving you. This is difficult, but keep focussed on your goals.
The key to making a long-term change:
- Decide what you’ll eat instead of fast foods and unhealthy snacks, then stock up with meal replacement bars, health fruit shakes or smoothies etc.
- Eat before you get in the car, train or bus etc. so you won’t be starving and tempted to go to the drive thru/fast-food restaurant.
- Don’t carry cash in the car, then, even if you have the urge to indulge, you won’t be able to.
- Write down your weight/fitness goals and tape them to your glove box or wallet, so that you’re immediately and always reminded of your goals.
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