Choose Your Wedding Shoes – Killer Heels!
They’re seriously sexy, they’ll make your legs look long and sleek and spectacularly slender. These are wedding shoes that your groom and indeed every man in the room will love! Make a statement on your big day with killer heels. Discover how to wear them with ease and grace, and get our top tips for how to choose wisely to avoid breaking your ankle and instead, dance the night away in breath-taking style.
Images clockwise from left: Miu Miu at Net-A-Porter | Valentino at Net-A-Porter | Wildeve shoes by Diane Hassall | Dyable satin wedding shoes by Perdita
‘In for a penny, in for a pound’, as they say – and if you’re determined to wear high heels on your wedding day then go all out with a pair of seriously special ‘killer heels’! If you dare…
Choose your weapons carefully!
They’re not called ‘killer heels’ for nothing you know. Be sure to buy a pair of shoes that will stay on your feet, feel as comfortable as possible to let your toes spread out just enough when you walk, and feel steady when you stand still. If the heels you’ve fallen in love with flop off your feet as you walk, squeeze your toes so they hurt and feel at all wobbly, then whether you love the look of them or not, you need to find another pair of shoes for your wedding day.
It’s important to invest in a shoe that you can move about in freely as you’ll be walking up the aisle in front of everyone you love so make sure they fit, and practice walking in them around the shop before you buy them. If you’re worried about walking in killer heels then go for a wide heel instead of a narrow spike and an ankle strap which will help to hold the shoe to your foot. Remember, the wider the heel, the easier they are to walk in. Wedges and wide heels are a piece of cake compared to an ice-pick stilleto!
How to strut your stuff in heels
So you’ve bought your heels, made sure they fit you perfectly and are as comfortable as can be expected; you’ve spent hours admiring their beauty and poise, now it’s time to wear them. And wear them you must, around the house and as often as possible before the wedding (but not outside just yet as you want to keep them clean!) Practice walking up and down in them as much as is humanly possible, you can even practice dancing in them (in front of the mirror with your hairbrush just like you used to… why not?)
The best way to walk in killer heels is to take it slowly and make sure you’re balanced. Think of yourself as a panther, gracefully but deliberately placing one foot directly in front of the other, slowly, carefully, beautifully. And if you can’t face wearing the killers ‘all day and all of the night’, do what K-Middy diddy and dance in flats!
Now, what are you waiting for? Go and wow him with those killer heels!
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