DIY Wedding – Embroidered Tie Heart For The Groom
Chances are, the groom knows what to expect on the wedding day – but you can sneak in a little morning surprise for him, when he least expects it! He will discover this personal from-the-heart message inside his tie while getting ready – what a sweet and surprising reminder of your love for him!
This project is so quick and easy, anyone can do it in under an hour, and yet the message you send to your groom will likely melt his heart on the morning of the wedding day.
What you’ll need
- The groom’s tie – “borrow” it and then replace it quickly exactly as you found it – he’ll never know! You can ask one of his groomsmen to be your accomplice, as long as he can keep a secret!
- A square of thin red felt – big enough to cut about 4 hearts – this is in case you make a mistake and need to make another one
- A pencil
- Sharp scissors
- Sewing thread in any pale colour – we used pale blue in our example, you can use any colour lighter than red, even one that fits your colour scheme!
- A needle
What to do
Using the pencil, draw a heart on the red felt, slightly smaller than the widest bottom part of the tie. Don’t worry if the lines aren’t perfect – you will be embroidering on the other side.
Think of a message you’d like to send to the groom – in our example, it’s “I love you” and the wedding date. You could write other messages such as “I love you Adam”, “See you at the altar”, “I do”, “Thinking of you” or anything else you’d like to say. Just keep the length in mind, so you can fit all the words inside the heart.
Write the message in pencil first and embroider over it if it helps, or start the embroidery right away. The easiest and most efficient stitch to use is the back stitch, and you can find easy tutorials on how to do it on YouTube. Remember, the most important thing in embroidery is to avoid pulling the thread too tight against the fabric.
When done, attach the heart to the inside of the groom’s tie at the fold on top of the lining – do not stitch through to the other side of the tie! You can stitch the edges all around, or you can just attach it at two tips of the heart at the top, and then the tip at the bottom, like below.
And you’re done! Now return the tie and think of how nicely surprised he’ll be when he gets dressed on the morning of the wedding!
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