Samantha and Robert
What is your first name?
What is your husband’s name?
Who booked your honeymoon?
Robert did.
If your husband booked the honeymoon, did he keep it a surprise?
Yes, I had an idea we were going to Scotland and the Lake District but whereabouts was a surprise.
How long after your wedding did you leave for your honeymoon?
The next day.
Where did you go?
Started in the Lake District and then onto Scotland.
How long were you away?
Three weeks.
How much did it cost and what sort of holiday was it (e.g. package, all-inclusive etc)?
Not sure how much it cost – it was self-catering most of the time – but we had fun.
Did you spend the entire holiday in one place or did you travel around?
We travelled all over Scotland.
What did you do?
Sight seeing.
What was a typical day like?
Sight seeing, driving down little country lanes, watching the lambs running across the road, fish and chips in the car and then home to chill out.
How did you and your partner get on?
As normal – we giggled the whole time we were away.
What were the best bits?
They where all best bits.
Were there any worst bits?
No worst bits – that’s the truth.
What advice would you give other honeymooners-to-be?
If your husband-to-be wants to book the honeymoon, let him – I had the most romantic holiday/honeymoon I could ever wish for.