Lifestyle and Relationships

Client care agreement

In providing Wills for you there are a number of service standards and matters which we wish to bring to your attention. These will help to clarify duties we owe to you. They are particular to this service and should be read in conjunction with our standard terms although where they conflict these specific terms shall rule.

Time to Complete

We allocate a target time within which we will try to deliver your Will. Obviously these targets will differ depending on the complexity or accuracy of your instructions; upon any amendments that you may want to make and upon the post, amongst others. Our aim is to keep you advised during this process.


Special Requirements and Mental Health

After the death of a person, sometimes a legal challenge is made to their capacity to have made their Will. Such challenges can be expensive for an estate and time‐consuming and distressing for your beneficiaries and can produce a result which was not intended. Although it is up to the individual to decide whether or not to do so, we recommend that your doctor’s opinion on your mental capacity to sign your Will is obtained if:

  • You are elderly;
  • You are receiving medical treatment for an illness which could affect your capacity;
  • You habitually use alcohol or drugs (whether prescribed or not).

Supervising the Signing

We cannot supervise the signing of your Wills because of the nature of this service. We will, however, provide you with detailed instructions to ensure that the execution is done properly.

Checking the Will and Storage

We will ask for you to return the signed Will to us so that we can make sure that it has been properly executed. Any failure to execute this property could mean your Will is invalid so this is an important exercise. Once done, we can store your Will using our will safe scheme and supply you with a copy.

Customer Enquiries

You may find it simpler to e‐mail your queries to us at [email protected]; or, for legal queries you can telephone the person who is supervising your Will.

Giving Tax Advice

These Wills are not intended to be tax‐efficient, although they may be so. We will contact you should your Will instructions seem to suggest a more dedicated inheritance tax strategy would be necessary. Where this requires specialist advice then we make a separate charge, but only after informing you and only after you have approved.

More Complicated Wills

We will contact you should your Will instructions seem to suggest a more complicated Will would be necessary. You may, for example, need advice on a trust or on gifts to charity. Where this requires specialist advice then we make a separate charge, but only after informing you and only after you have approved.

What is provided?

We intend to provide a professional Will which accurately reflects the completed instructions that you have provided and for the fee you have paid. This Will is intended to provide you with the security that your estate will be administered in accordance with your wishes. In the event that we consider that this is not the most appropriate Will for you (for example your estate may justify a more tax ‐efficient proposal) then we will discuss this with you after Confetti Will has been completed.


We have to reserve the right to cancel our retainer (contract) with you where it becomes clear that we cannot provide our service. This may be because we cannot confirm your identity; we cannot get clear instructions from you; you refuse to sign or return the Will; or some other reason that is beyond our control. Where we have accepted your initial instructions form we will make a charge even if the Will has not been produced.

Find more advice on from our Finance & Legal articles! 

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