Heroic splendour: Girl names from mythology
Myths are timeless tales guiding us on how to live our lives and mythological characters have inspired parents to name their offspring after them, hoping that they will come to bear their noble qualities.
In most cases, these are stories that the parents heard when they were young and caught their imagination in some way. Nobility and royalty have drawn from these rich sources for naming future kings and queens. Their universal and eternal quality makes them popular at all times and with every generation. Here are some names to inspire your baby naming…
Names from mythology for Girls
Name | Origin | Meaning |
Amalthea | Ancient Greek | foster mother of Zeus, ‘tender goddess’ |
Andarta | Celtic | a Gallic warrior goddess |
Andromeda | Greek | mythical princess rescued by Perseus |
Aphrodite | Ancient Greek | goddess of love and beauty |
Astarte | Egyptian | god of the love, fertility and war |
Atalanta | Greek | a mythological fast-footed maiden |
Athena | Ancient Greek | goddess of wisdom, war and guardian of Athens |
Aurora | Roman | goddess of dawn |
Aveta | Celtic | goddess of female fertility and all fresh water |
Bellona | Roman | war goddess |
Branwen | Welsh | sister of King Bran and wife of Matholwch |
Brighid | Irish | goddess of fire, poetry and wisdom |
Brigit | Celtic | goddess of strength |
Brunhild | Norse | queen of the Valkyries |
Brunhilde | Germanic | the queen of Iceland, wife of Gunther |
Calypso | Greek | a nymph in Homer’s ‘Odyssey’ |
Carmenta | Roman | goddess of childbirth and prophecy |
Cassandra | Greek | a prophetess |
Ceres | Roman | goddess of the harvest |
Chloe | Greek | an epithet for the goddess Demeter |
Chloris | Greek | goddess of vegetation |
Circe | Greek | a legendary sorceress |
Concordia | Roman | goddess of harmony and peace |
Coventina | Celtic | goddess of wells and springs |
Cynthia | Greek | an epithet of the moon goddess |
Dalia | Lithuanian | goddess of weaving, fate and childbirth |
Damara | Celtic | fertility goddess |
Daphne | Greek | a nymph who became a laurel tree |
Demeter | Ancient Greek | goddess of harvest and grain |
Diana | Roman | Goddess of the hunt, the moon and virginity |
Dido | Roman | mythical queen of Carthage |
Eirene | Greek | goddess of peace |
Elissa | Roman | another name for Dido, queen of Carthage |
Flora | Roman | goddess of flowers |
Fortuna | Roman | goddess of fortune |
Freyja | Norse | goddess of fertility |
Gaia | Ancient Greek | earth and fertility goddess |
Harmonia | Greek | daughter of Ares and Aphrodite |
Hebe | Ancient Greek | goddess of youth |
Helen | Greek | of Troy, daughter of Zeus and Leda |
Hespera | Roman | goddess of dusk |
Hestia | Ancient Greek | goddess of the hearth |
Iris | Greek | goddess of the rainbow |
Ishtar | Mesopotamian | goddess of love |
Isis | Egyptian | goddess of the sky and nature |
Juno | Roman | queen of the gods, goddess of matrimony |
Kallisto | Greek | a nymph loved by Zeus |
Kleio | Greek | goddess of history and heroic poetry |
Lorelei | Germanic | a legendary enchantress |
Melissa | Greek | a nymph who looked after Zeus |
Minerva | Roman | goddess of war and wisdom |
Morrigan | Celtic | war goddess |
Niamh | irish | daughter of the sea god |
Nike | Greek | goddess of victory |
Penelope | Greek | loyal wife of legendary hero Odysseus |
Phoebe | Greek | one of the Titans, associated with the moon |
Phoenix | Egyptian | a beautiful immortal bird, reborn every 500 years |
Polymnia | Greek | goddess of dance and sacredness |
Pomona | Roman | goddess of fruit trees |
Rhea | Greek | a Titan, mother of Zeus |
Rhiannnon | Celtic | goddess of the moon |
Selene | Ancient Greek | goddess of the moon |
Sif | Norse | wife of the god Thor |
Tamesis | Celtic | goddess of water |
Terra | Roman | goddess of the earth and land |
Thalia | Greek | one of the nine muses, muse for comedy |
Themis | Greek | a Titan who presided over divine law |
Venus | Roman | goddess of love and beauty |
Vesta | Roman | goddess of the hearth |
Victoria | Roman | goddess of victory |