What do your husbands/H2Bs do for wedding rings?
So my question is what do your husbands/H2Bs do for wedding rings? Do they have them and wear them? Have them and don’t wear them? Or simply not have one? Might seem an odd question but my H2B doesn’t want a wedding ring because it’s unsafe in his job to wear one. Which I totally understand – but I would still like him to have one but just take it off whilst he’s at work. I get quite upset at the thought of him not having one, I feel like it’s really important to me to wear a ring and I don’t understand why it’s not important to him. Also, what happens during the ceremony where you’re meant to exchange rings if only I were to have one? Does it mean I don’t get to say the same words (with this ring..with my body..etc) to him as he would get to say to me?