Wedding Dress
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- Wedding Dress
- Leicestershire
- Leicester
Wedding Dress in and around Leicester
From POA
Bellissima Weddings was voted the Best Bridal Retail in the UK in 2010. Please come along and find out...
From POA
The Sparkle Club is an online retailer offering a fabulous range of flower girl and young bridesmaid shoes bags and accessories. Their holding company is Newmans Footwear Ltd, a...
From POA
Gillian Roberts Bridal was established in 1984, and has been providing excellent service to their brides ever since. As a family-run business they focus on delivering...
From POA
Whether you need a groom's suit, best man suit, a smart look for the Father of the Bride or just want to be the best dressed wedding guest, find a men's wedding suit that fits at...
From £800
Brides Visited are an independent and friendly bridal studio, based in Ashtead, who pride themselves in their customer service, professional knowledge and unique range of bridal...
From POA
Cheeks Menswear are a family owned company with the shop being in business for over 50yrs. They specialise in menswear hire for weddings, special occasions, evening wear, party's...
From POA
Phone number: 01376 587949At Dress Code Nine we are an appointment only Bridal, Prom and Evening wear boutique which is owned and ran on a day to day basis by Carla and her team....