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Amy Clare - Makeup Artist
Rugby, Warwickshire
From POA
Amy Clare is a Professional Make up Artist specialising in bridal and special occasion make up covering Warwickshire, Birmingham and the West Midlands area. Amy offers a...
Sufiah Make-up Artistry
Warwickshire, Warwickshire
From POA
From a very young age I have always had a strong interest in make-up, whether it be applying it, buying it or reading about it. It is, and always has been my ultimate...
Charles Nobel
New Milton, Hampshire
From POA
As a family business, we seek to trade with integrity and honesty to forge long lasting relationships, not only with individual customers but also with their families. Our...
Norfolk Beauty School
Norwich, Norfolk
From POA
Welcome to NBS We are located in the fine city of Norwich. We have been in the Beauty industry since 2012. Come in for a relaxing massage or a new "hair up" hairstyle. We...