Including Everyone in Your Marriage Vows
When you write your own wedding vows you might want to include your children, close friends and even your guests. Here are our tips on how to include everyone in your marriage vows.

If there are children involved in your relationship then it’s a nice touch to include them in your wedding vows, either by mentioning them by name, or giving them their own special lines to say.
For example:
Groom: Today, ___, I ask you to by my wife. To be loving, tolerant and loyal, supporting me in my life. I ask that you vow to do your best for our relationship, for our children and for our lives together. Will you promise this?
Bride: I will. And I ask you, ___, to be my husband. To be devoted and faithful, loving and supporting me and working for the good of our relationship and our family, Will you promise this?
Groom: I will.
Registrar/celebrant: As ___ and __ come together as husband and wife, they create a new family, The children of __ and __ are now going to ask for a promise from their parents.
Children (together or taking one line each): Will you accept us as part of your family together? Will you love and care for us? Will you guide and support us?
Bride and Groom: We will
Registrar/Celebrant: Today __, __ and their children have made anew family, and together they promise to consider each other, to be loving, respectful and devoted to each othe
I pledge today that I will be a loving and devoted husband/wife to you, and a loving and devoted parent to__ and __.
In front of our children I promise to keep only to you for as long as we both shall live.
I, ___, take you, __, to be my lawful wedded wife and your children, ___and __, to be our family.
I look forward to spending the rest of my life with you and our children, __ and __ saring the good times, supporting you through the bad.
I offer myself to you as a partner in life, and to our children as a parent.
I promise to accept the responsibility of being a loving and guiding parent to your children.
From this day forward, I make this solemn vow, that I will always be there for you and our children, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, till death us do part.
Guest stars
You can also make your guest feel a real part of the wedding ceremony by including them in your vows. For example:
I, __, in front of our friends and family, promise to. . .
I, __, take you, __, to by my husband/wife, in front of all our witnesses.
I ask everyone present to witness that I openly take ___ to be my wife/husband.
I ask everyone present to witness that I promise to spend my life with __.
Here today, in front of our family and friends, I take you, ___, to be my wife/husband.
I thank our friends and family for gathering here today to witness our marriage.
Your celebrant can also include your guests in your ceremony.
Registrar/celebrant: Will you, the friends and family of __ and __, support them in their marriage, lend them every help in their life together and be a constant reminder of the vows they have made here in front of you today?
Congregation: We will.
Registrar/celebrant __and __ are now embarking on married life. Before you they have given their consent to each other, and made solemn vows. They now ask that you will give them your love and support in their new life together.
Congregation: We will.
Find more inspiration in How to Write Your Own Wedding Vows.