
The Crescent Bouquet

Think ballerina and you will know the style of the crescent bouquet: a symmetrical semi-circle of flowers created to form a very feminine bouquet of flowers in the shape of an upside down letter U. Discover which wedding dress looks best with this stunning and dramatic bouquet and how to work with your florist to style it into a unique form for your wedding

Crescent bouquet by Bergerons Flowers and EventsCrescent bouquet by Bergerons Flowers and Events, photography by David Madison.


The wedding dress for the crescent bouquet

The graceful and sometimes delicate crescent bouquet suits most wedding dresses and looks particularly stylish against an A-line gown. A small and delicate crescent bouquet works very well against slinky, straight dresses such as vintage 1930s gowns and romantic Jane Austin style empire line wedding dresses while the larger crescent looks stunning with a wider Victorian style wedding dress or contemporary full-skirted ballgown.

Styling a crescent bouquet

The crescent can be as large or small as desired and the tapering ends can be made longer with smaller flowers trailing downwards or by leaves or grasses for a more dramatic look. The flowers can flow over the bride’s hands and may vary in size depending on the bride’s dress style. The bouquet is generally compact in the middle and narrows at the sides whilst tapering down towards the floor.

This style of bouquet is usually held with the handle to the back of the crescent but can be held with the handle visible in the centre of the crescent and wrapped in ribbon. Another way of creating a crescent bouquet is by adding hanging beads, pearls, gem stones or ribbons from each side to add interest and length to the shape.

An asymmetrical crescent which is longer on one side would create a more unusual look. For a larger and also more intricate variation of the crescent bouquet, have it made of a number of different flowers with roses and orchids as the main focus.

The flowers and colours you choose for your bouquet will depend on your wedding colour scheme and overall theme. You could have one colour for a simply classic look or a mix of contrasting or complementary colours to add interest.

Bride and bridesmaid bouquets

As the bride, you may want to have a slightly larger bouquet to your bridesmaids to ensure yours stands out. You could have different flowers packed into yours and just one flower in theirs or have yours in a vibrant colour such as red with theirs in white. This works beautifully against a white or ivory wedding dress and red bridesmaids dresses.

Working with your florist

Your florist is the wedding flower expert so discuss your options with them and don’t be afraid to ask for what you want even if they haven’t yet suggested it. Look through their portfolios for inspiration and discuss all the different flower, colour and style options open to you and the finishing touches such as ribbons, bows and tiny gem stones on petals for added sparkle.

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