Samantha and Jody Cyprus Wedding abroad
When was your wedding?
18 June 2009
How and when did you meet?
This sounds so terrible, but I actually meet him in a nightclub. Cringe! We both noticed each other straight away and had a great time together. My friends and his spent the whole weekend together. He was very shy at the point though and I wasn’t really sure if he liked me… little did I know!
How old are you both?
I am 24 and my h2b is 30
Where, when and how did he (or you!) propose?
It was January this year, he whisked me away to Paris for my Birthday. I have never been before and he took me to Le Ciel de Paris to look at the amazing view and as the Eiffel Tower glittered up he asked me to marry him. Apparently it wasn’t planned so I had to wait to tell everyone until I got my ring, so it was a secret engagement for a few weeks until Valentines Day when he cooked me a lovely meal and surprised me with the ring. 2 proposals!
Did you have hen and stag celebrations? If so, what did you do?
I just had my Hen night in April, it was a Mamma Mia night. Very cheesy, but I had a mix of all ages so it was ideal. I’m a real family girl, so I really wanted my mum and my h2b’s mum there as well as my friends (including one male! I’m not one for traditions!)
How did your groom help with the wedding planning?
I’ve so far given him a few odd bits to do, but I feel a lot better doing it myself. He is a busy man!
Did you use confetti to plan your wedding? If so, how did the website help you?
Yes, I read lots of the real stories and bought a few bits from the shop.
Did you buy any confetti products for your wedding? If so, did you visit a store, buy online or by mail order?
Yes, online.
Tell us about your outfit, and where you bought it
Ooohhhh thats still a secret. But love it and it’s beautiful!
Did you have bridesmaids? If so, who did you choose and what did they wear?
I have my lovely best friend Hannah, who I have known since we were in nappys and my sister in law(2b) ‐ both are gorgeous so they look beautiful in their lemon chiffon dresses from Monsoon. They are all sparkly and pretty.
Did you have a civil or religious ceremony?
Civil, I’m not religious.
Where did you hold your ceremony?
In Cyprus. The Athena Beach Hotel, under the Gazebo, overlooking the beach. Perfect!
Where did you hold your reception?
I am going to have a party the week after we return to celebrate, this is at the Colchester football Stadium (my other half loves his football) but its going to look really lovely when its decorated. No footballs in sight!
Did you have any special wedding transport?
A plane to get us over there!
How many guests did you invite to your wedding, and did you have a separate evening guest list?
There are only 12 quests at the wedding, really private. then about 120‐150 for the party!
Did your reception have a particular theme in terms of colour or style?
I wanted it to be warm and colourful. Pink/orange, something a bit different.
Where did you spend your first night and honeymoon? Who did you book your honeymoon with?
We are treating the whole wedding away as a bit of a honeymoon, however we are hoping to go to Thailand next year for the real deal!