Average UK Wedding Spend Down
The average cost of a wedding has come down in recent years, according to our latest survey. The Wedding Report surveyed over 2,000 brides and grooms-to-be, and shows a noticeable decrease in the average spend. Over 80% of couples now budget up to a maximum of £15,000. Here’s how and why the average UK wedding spend has decreased in recent years.
Our survey said…
The Wedding Report 2015-2016 asked: “How much money have you budgeted for your wedding?”
- Over a fifth of couples (22%) budgeted £10,000-15,000
- A further 19% budgeted £7,500 – 10,000
- While 14% budgeted £5,000 – £7,500.
- Only 1% of couples said they budgeted up to £1,000
- 4% budgeted £1,000 – £2,000
- And just 17% budgeted £15,000 or over
Why are we spending less now?
This decrease in the average UK wedding spend is due, in part, to changes in couple’s spending since the financial recession hit, when the average cost of a wedding was £20,000.
DIY Weddings
This started a new trend for clever cost-cutting and DIY weddings which has seen an increase in hand-made wedding invitations, favours and decor.

More couples are also now choosing to marry later in the day, in order to pay for only one meal for their guests, instead of the customary two. This one meal is often now a cheaper buffet rather than the formal seated wedding breakfast followed by a later evening reception.
Guest list
Today’s couples might still be planning their dream wedding, but inviting fewer guests to keep costs down. So with these cost-cutting trends of mostly hand-made wedding accessories at a later wedding ceremony, with just one informal meal, it’s no surprise couples are spending less than they used to.

Rustic Weddings
The trend has seen informal rustic and bohemian wedding styles become more and more popular even without the DIY aspect since more rustic style wedding accessories have become available. Perhaps once we’ve all seen enough of the currently fashionable DIY wedding style, luxury weddings are what’s next for Britain’s newly betrothed.
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