Post wedding to-do list
After the excitement of the wedding and the honeymoon comes the reality of sorting out some urgent post wedding matters. Get done with the tasks that are a chore so you can move on to those that are fun…
1. Wedding Gifts
Thank‐you notes: They came to your wedding and took the trouble to get you a wedding present, the least you can do is send them a note to say thank you. Here are some important points to remember:
- Write the notes within two months of the wedding.
- Make a list of who gave what, in as much detail as possible.
- Ensure that you have ordered thank‐you cards, if possible at the same time as the wedding invitation cards. Useful if you want them to carry on in the same theme.
- If possible, write a note as soon as you get the gift, even if you send them all together after you get back from your honeymoon.
- Avoid making the note sound impersonal. Try adding a personal touch and do mention their gift in specific detail.
- When writing a thank you note for cash gifts, mention how you will be using the money.
Unwanted gifts: If you’ve ended with three blenders or with gifts that you didn’t really want, you need to have a plan of what you’re going to do with them. Here are some guidelines:
- Divide the gifts into what you can use right away, those that you may use in the future and what you are not likely to use at all.
- Those that may be used in the future need to be stored safely and properly
- Work out which gifts can be exchanged or refunded.
- See what you can sell on e‐bay or your local paper.
- Be sensitive to the feelings of the giver, especially if it’s a close relative; consider placing it in the guest bedroom, for instance.
2. Paperwork
Becoming Mr and Mrs will mean that you may have to make necessary changes on legal, official, financial and some social areas as well.
- Change of name and address: this will affect personal documents such as passport, driving licence, national insurance etc.
- New address: you will also need to inform your family and friends of your change of address if you’ve moved into a new home after the wedding.
3. Finances
You will need to work out a practical method to deal with all money matters. Here are some important areas:
- Mortgage: decide whether both of you will be named in the mortgage and discuss with your mortgage lender what the implications will be.
- Joint accounts: it will probably be sensible to have joint accounts or at least one joint account in addition to individual ones.
- Tax returns: if you’re both self‐employed, discuss with your accountant any possible advantage in filing your tax returns jointly.
- Insurance: some policies may need to be amended to include your partner. Make sure you have your wedding ring insured as well.
- Beneficiary: any changes in wills or life insurance will need to be made.
- Bills: discuss in whose name the bills will be arriving and whether they will be in joint names or in one partner’s name.
4. Wedding mementos
No doubt you will want to hang on to reminders of your special day. Here are some things that will need your attention:
- The dress: have your dress dry‐cleaned as soon as possible and line it with tissue paper before storing it in a box.
- Memory box: save mementos of the day, such as invitation cards, menus and favours in a special wedding memory box.
- Photographs and DVDs: contact your photographers as soon as you get back as there may be a time limit on how long they’ll hold on to photos, especially since digital photos can be simply deleted if too long a time lapses. Pick the ones you want printed and store the rest on a CD. If you’d ordered a DVD video, work out how you want it edited and make sure you have a few back‐up copies.
5. Planning ahead
Starting out on your new life together will mean trying to find time, money and resources to fulfil both duty and leisure, without getting stressed out. The key is to plan ahead:
- Budget: draw up a plan of how much you need to spend on essentials, and how much you can afford to splash out on holidays, evenings out and luxuries.
- Meeting family: as you’ll want to make time for close family members, find a routine that works for the both of you. Whether it’s one weekend or an evening a month.
- Holidays: one of the fun events to plan is your next holiday. Even if it’s a whole year away, it’s fun to start thinking about where you’d like to go.
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