Bethany and Kanza Real Engagement Story
I met Kanza when I was living in Paris. At the time I was determined to stay single and enjoy my life over there, so when he asked me out I made it clear that I didn’t want a serious relationship.
Five months later, and completely in love, I moved back to England…. and despite all my promises to myself we embarked on a long distance relationship. I was doing my finals at university and flew over to see him every three months, and I had the hugest phone bills!
Happily, last June he moved over here to be with me and set about learning English and getting a job. This wasn’t easy but we were both so happy to be with each other that we managed to get over the stress of it all.
For Christmas we both went to stay at my parents and, unbeknown to me, he had bought a ring and asked my parents permission to marry me. Sat around the dinner table on Christmas day (parents, sister, grandparents etc…) he asked me to tell everyone he had something to say. We had prepared a little thank you speech from him to everyone and of course this was what I was expecting him to say, but rather than start his speech he turned to me, got down on one knee, and asked me in English to marry him. I was so happy I couldn’t stop crying long enough to say yes – so I just nodded wildly!