Real Weddings

Lesley and Jonathan Real Engagement Story

Date of proposal


How old were you both when you got engaged?



Who proposed?


How did your partner (or you) propose?

After arriving home at 5.30pm on a Friday from work, I was greeted with post‐it notes telling me to pack a bag and that I was going away for the weekend. It also explained I needed clothes to travel in, wear during the day and going out clothes for the night! Bearing in mind it would be about 15 degrees! I quickly packed a bag and a car picked me up at 6.00pm, in a rush I forgot my mobile and was really confused as to what was going on. The driver took me to Wakefield train station and I was given an evelope telling me to cathch the train to London Kings Cross. I very nervously waited for the train with no money, no ticket, no phone and still no sign of Jon! When the train did arrive I found my seat number in first class and a very excited Jon waiting for me. I think I must of asked him what was going on about 10 times! When we got to London Jon told me we had to walk to the hotel. The next thing I knew we were in another train station and Jon was buying tickets to Gatwick Airport! That night we stayed in the Hilton at Gatwick Airport and Jon announced we were flying out to Rome,Italy, in the morning. We stayed in a beautiful little hotel near the Colosseum and spent Saturday touring Rome. The last time we came to Rome was for my birthday over 2 years ago, we had been to the Colosseum then and I had said what a perfect proposal place it was. Jon then thought it was funny to pretend to get down on one knee, I on the other hand wasn’t very amused as I’d got so excited! Throughout the day I kept asking if we could go to the Colosseum, and Jon kept putting me off! On the evening we went for a traditional Italian meal and then Jon suggested we went for drinks. At this point I was beginning to think maybe this is just a weekend away and he’d not got any other intentions! After a while Jon suggested we went for a walk and we ended up by the Colosseum, we then walked over to some ruins just opposite and sat down. I couldn’t contain myself any longer and said ‘What are you up to!’. Jon asked me if I could remember what happened last time we were there, and I grumbled about the fake proposal. At that point Jon got down on one knee and said, ‘Well this time it’s for real,” and took a box out from his pocket, opening it to reveal a stunning sparkling diamond! And said ‘Lesley will you do me the great honour of becoming my wife?” Through fits of giggles I said yes!

Who did you share the news of your engagement with first?

I had no mobile to ring anyone! So we waited till we got back to the hotel and I rang my parents only to find out they already knew what was up as Jon had very traditionally asked my Dad for my hand in marriage the weekend before. We then rang Jon’s parents but no one was in so had to wait till the next day.

Describe your ring.

It’s stunning! A platinum band with a Solitaire emerald cut diamond.

Did you help choose the ring?

Jon chose it by himself but I’d described the sort of thing I ring I’d like ages ago.

Did you have an engagement party?

No we annouced our engagement and had a few celebration meals and drinks with close friends and family.

When do you plan to marry?

When Jon proposed he also annouced he had booked the Wedding for 25th July 2009 at Studley Castle Warickshire, a venue we had view in the summer and decided if we were getting married that was the perfect location. So I was absolutely thrilled!

What are you looking forward to the most about planning a wedding?

I’m very arty and love crafts so making the wedding stationary. I’m also a textiles teacher so shopping for the outfits is going to be huge fun. Planning with my family and friends is very exciting, I can see lots of girlie weekends coming up!

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