Melissa and Nick Real Engagement Story
Date of proposal
How old were you both when you got engaged?
We were both 18 (young I know.)
Who proposed?
How did your partner (or you) propose?
He had two attempts. 1st was in a nightclub but he was drunk so I didn’t think he was being serious. So in the early hours of the morning he said ‘I’m sobering up now can I try again?’ That’s when I realised he wasn’t joking!
Who did you share the news of your engagement with first?
My sister as she was near.
Describe your ring.
It’s gold and twists in the middle with a diamond in the middle and it has 3 diamonds on each shoulder.
Did you help choose the ring?
Will your partner wear an engagement ring as well?
Did you have an engagement party?
No, our parents said they wanted to keep it quiet as we are young.
When do you plan to marry?
We are thinking June 2010 .
What are you looking forward to the most about planning a wedding?
All of it!! but I think choosing the dress and hair style will be the best part.