Groom’s Wedding Speech Example
A great groom’s wedding speech for you to copy. Don’t stress over your wedding speech… just copy ours!
As you have to love, honour and obey your wife on your wedding day, as well as smile for the camera endlessly and thank everyone and anyone for their help, attendance and gifts, we figure you have quite enough to get organised beforehand, so you could do with a quick-fire way to make your wedding speech writing easier.
If you want to make life really simple, just copy this straightforward, groom’s wedding speech (inserting the right names, year and details where necessary!)
A great groom’s wedding speech for you to copy:
Short Groom Speech Ideas
‘Thank you for all coming here today, especially everyone who has travelled from far afield to share this day with us.’
‘Thank you for your generous gifts too.’
‘I must also thank Katy’s parents – Sue and John – and my parents – Sarah and David for all their help in the organization of our lovely day. When I met Katy, I thought she was sincere, kind and caring and when I met her parents, I knew exactly where she got it from. It’s clearly genetic, and I hope our children will inherit it.’
‘Sue and John, we’d like to give you these little tokens of our love and thanks.’
‘My love and thanks today really have to go to Katy most of all though, for being here, for being so beautiful and now for being my wife.’
‘You’ve all met James, my best man. I checked with him that he could organize a stag night, make a speech; even get me to church on time. But I forgot to ask the most important thing: could he tie the knot? I’m not talking about marriage here – I’m talking about the horrendous mess he’s made of my bow tie!’
‘Finally, thank you also to the beautiful bridesmaids. I know they have been a great support to Katy during the last few months and ladies and gentlemen, I would like to please ask you to raise your glasses, as I give you… the bridesmaids!”
If you would like more help finding out How to Deliver the Perfect Wedding Speech, check the Wedding Directory for professional speech writers – it’s money well spent if they help make a stand-up comic out of you for the day!